Agent Overview & Configuration
Agents are Windows/Linux background services that can filter and process data, upload files into Ganymede Cloud, initiate data processing pipelines, and deliver data from Ganymede Cloud to instrument PCs. Once configured, the executable associated with an Agent is built in the Cloud and downloaded to the instrument PC for installation.
Individual instances of an Agent are called Connections. Users configure Agent and Connection behavior through a combination of configuration and user-defined code, allowing for flexibility in capturing files and interacting with the Ganymede ecosystem.

For system requirements, see Agent Network Config & Prerequisites.
Agent structure
- Agent: A combination of a trigger, processor, and action configuration to move data from a remote user device into Ganymede.
- Trigger: A component configured to initiate the Agent pipeline based on a specific change or event.
- Processor: User-defined code that converts data produced by a trigger into a format suitable for the action.
- Action: Interaction with Ganymede's cloud or application that moves the processed data to the desired location.
- Connection: A running instance of the Agent that is or has been connected to Ganymede, waiting for the configured trigger.
- Pipeline: A data flow of trigger -> processor -> action, tailored to the use case. Pipelines may share the same trigger and action but differ in the processor template based on the use case.
Agent / Connection configuration
- Runtime Uptime: An in-place update to the latest processor and configuration (Agent and Connection levels) without stopping the process. The pipeline loop temporarily pauses to reload files, but no data is lost.
- Full Update: A complete update of the Connection binary, useful for incorporating new dependency updates or core-codebase changes. A new Connection executable must be brought up in parallel.
- Connection Configuration: Each installed executable maintains its own name, labels, variables, and file tags. This configuration, along with the “parent-level” Agent configuration and processor, makes a Connection unique. Some metadata, like ID, start time, version, and generated metadata, is not configurable.
- Connection Version: Updated whenever the Connection configuration is modified. It follows the standard Ganymede version scheme of YYYYMMDD_HHmmSSssss.
- Agent Configuration: An Agent's action and trigger can be configured for certain behaviors. The configuration includes user-friendly options like name and file tags.
- Agent Version: Updated whenever the Agent configuration changes, following the standard Ganymede version scheme.
- Core Version: Refers to the underlying core Agent repo version, which is the foundational code all Agents run on. New features and bug patches increment this version.
- Connection Variables: Key-value pairs stored in the Connection configuration, accessible by the user, and used by processor code that depends on certain Connection-level variables.
- Connection Labels: Strings used to categorize and identify Connections in the Ganymede UI.
- Connection Context: An internal dictionary within the code that is not exposed to the user but allows data to pass between the Agent trigger, processor, and action if necessary.
Building an Agent
To create a new Agent, click the
button on the Agents tab of the Connections page.
The left side of the configuration panel is used to specify the Agent's configuration, while the right side displays the default Python script associated with the Agent, which can be modified after installation.

After filling out the form, click
to start building Windows and Linux executables. When the build is complete, the Agent can be downloaded from the Ganymede application by selecting the corresponding Agent from the Connections tab.Building an executable typically takes around 10 minutes. Once built, the Agent can be downloaded onto the instrument PC from the Connections tab of the Ganymede web app and installed.
Configuring Agents
All Agents have two required input parameters, Name and Configuration. Once the Configuration is selected, specific input parameters may appear.
The Name input is used to specify the display name for the Agent.
The Configuration input specifies the action performed by the Agent, with options including:
Watch for files locally then run flow: Monitor specified directory on the local file system for files to process and execute upon observing new files matching specified pattern
Set a cron job to run flows periodically: Periodically observe local directory for files and deliver those files to Ganymede Cloud for processing
Watch for files locally and upload: Monitor specified directory on the local file system and upload files to Ganymede Cloud upon observation.
Watch for flow outputs then save locally: Monitor specified flow in Ganymede Cloud Storage for new output files, and capture + process files on local instrument PC upon observation.
noteFor Cloud Watcher agents that download files from Ganymede Cloud, you can specify that they watch for flow inputs (instead of the flow outputs) by adding the following to the Additional Params input box:
-v "input_bucket=true"
Load local files into Ganymede with a custom filter: Send specified files on local instrument PC and process on Ganymede Cloud
Set a cron job to upload files periodically: Periodically deliver files to Ganymede Cloud
Configuration Options
Watch for files locally then run flow
A Connection watches a directory (and associated subdirectories) for new files and updates to existing files. The Flow configured with the Agent is triggered when all expected files are found.
Input Parameters
Flow Name
: The flow to run upon observing new files matching the specified pattern. -
Check Period (seconds)
: The frequency with which the Agent will poll the local directory for new files. -
If a discovered filename exists in storage
: Specifies whether to use the file in storage or the observed file in the local directory. -
File pattern to parameter mapping
: A glob pattern associated with the input parameter(s) for the selected flow.noteThis option is only available during Agent creation. Further configuration updates will occur inside the notebook, not inside the agent configuration
File Tags
: Tags to associate with the files uploaded to Ganymede Cloud. -
: An image to associate with agent in the Ganymede UI. -
Auto deploy code and configuration changes to Live Connections
: If checked, updates to Agent code will be reflected on current Connections.
Reserved Variables
Reserved variables are used to configure Connection behavior. These can be set at installation or in the Connections panel post-installation.
: specifies the directory to watch.check_interval
: for Agents v5.1.28+, specifies frequency (in seconds) with which a Connection will poll the local directory for new files. If left blank, the default value is 5 seconds.stable_time
: for Agents v5.1.28+, specifies the time (in seconds) that a file must remain unchanged before being considered stable. If left blank, the default value is 5 seconds.
User-Defined Code
The user-defined code will be generated to map those file patterns to parameters. Three functions may require modification during configuration:
: This function is called whenever a file is added or modified in the watch directory. Modify this function to specify the files you want to look for prior to triggering a flow.execute
: Called when all glob patterns specified byget_param_mapping
have been matched, this object returned by this function specifies the inputs to the flow that is executed when all files are observed.fp
: This function returns a function that performs pattern matching against a file path. Use this function as a template for matching files.
For example, if the instrument outputs a CSV file called "{id}_lc_output<YYYYMMDD>.csv" that is to be ingested by a CSV_Read node called "Ingest_Data", an appropriate configuration would be "{id}_lc_output*.csv" for the input box associated with the "Ingest_Data.csv" node. The corresponding user-defined code would be:
from ganymede_sdk.agent.models import TriggerFlowParams, FileWatcherResult
import re
from typing import Dict, Callable
import glob
import os
def fp(watch_dir: str, parent_dir: str, pattern: str) -> Callable[[str], bool]:
This function returns a function that performs pattern matching against a file path.
Use this function as a template for creating your own pattern matching functions, which
you can then use in the values of the return object in the get_param_mapping function.
Callable[[str], bool]
Function that takes a file as input and returns True if the file matches the pattern.
def fp_res(x: str):
return x in glob.glob(os.path.join(watch_dir, pattern), recursive=True)
return fp_res
def get_param_mapping(
watch_dir: str,
parent_dir: str = "",
file_name: str = "",
modified_time: str = "",
body: bytes = bytes(),
) -> Dict[str, Callable[[str], bool]]:
This function is called when a file is added or modified in the watch directory.
Modify this function to capture the files you want to trigger the flow;
the function should return a dictionary where the keys are <node name>.<param name>
and values are functions for performing pattern matching against the target file.
For nodes that accept multiple inputs, specify a list of functions to match against;
each specified function should uniquely match 1 file.
id_group ="^(\w+)", file_name)
if id_group == None:
return {}
id =
return {
"Ingest_Data.csv": fp(watch_dir, parent_dir, f"{id}_lc_output*.csv"),
def execute(flow_params_fw: FileWatcherResult) -> TriggerFlowParams:
Called when all glob patterns specified by get_param_mapping have been matched.
flow_params_fw : FileWatcherResult
Dict of FileParam objects indexed by <node name>.<param name>
return TriggerFlowParams(
If a second parameter, such as an Excel_Read node called "Experiment_Context", is added, the get_param_mapping function would be modified to include that parameter:
def get_param_mapping(
watch_dir: str,
parent_dir: str = "",
file_name: str = "",
modified_time: str = "",
body: bytes = bytes(),
) -> Dict[str, Callable[[str], bool]]:
This function is called when a file is added or modified in the watch directory.
Modify this function to capture the files you want to trigger the flow;
the function should return a dictionary where the keys are <node name>.<param name>
and values are functions for performing pattern matching against the target file.
For nodes that accept multiple inputs, specify a list of functions to match against;
each specified function should uniquely match 1 file.
id_group ="^(\w+)", file_name)
if id_group == None:
return {}
id =
return {
# The keys in the dict below take the form "<node name>.<parameter name>"
# For example, the default Input_File node is called "Input_File"
# and has a parameter called "file_pattern", so the key would be
# "Input_File.file_pattern"
"Ingest_Data.csv": fp(watch_dir, parent_dir, f"{id}_lc_output*.csv"),
"Experiment_Context.excel": fp(watch_dir, parent_dir, f"{id}_context.xlsx"),
This ensures that files matching the parameters are sent to the correct flow node, and files with the same ID are grouped together. For example, if the following files are ingested:
- experiment626_lc_output072623.csv
- experiment627_context.xlsx
- experiment626_context.xlsx
The flow will only start when all files for experiment627 are ready, preventing the flow from starting prematurely.
Files that match a glob pattern will be uploaded to Ganymede storage, even if they are not used in a flow. Files written to the watched directory can be ignored by ensuring they do not match any of the glob patterns for the parameter inputs.

Patterns can also be matched against subdirectories using *
for single level subdirectories and **
for any level subdirectories.
For example, if your instrument writes out files in a directory like:
├── experiment_id_1
│ ├── configuration.xml
│ └── results.csv
└── experiment_id_2
├── configuration.xml
└── results.csv
You would use parameters like */configuration.xml
and */results.csv
to upload the files and submit them to a flow.
Documentation on the objects used in the user-defined code and additional examples can be found on the Agent Templates page.
Example use case
An instrument outputs files to a directory as it completes runs, which are processed in Ganymede Cloud.
Set a cron job to run flows periodically
A Connection executes a Python script on a set cadence. Commonly, this Agent type is used as a more flexible version of the Agent type that runs flows upon detecting file change, to allow for greater logic customization in triggering Flows.
Cron Agents can conditionally trigger code, depending on the return value of the execute function; no Flow is triggered if None is returned.
from ganymede_sdk.agent.models import FileParam, UploadFileParams
# Required Function
def execute(**kwargs) -> UploadFileParams | None:
Executes on specified cadence.
UploadFileParams | None
Files to upload; if set to None, then no files will be uploaded.
filename = "changeme.txt"
body = bytes("Hello, World!", "utf-8")
new_file_param = FileParam(filename=filename, body=body)
return UploadFileParams(files=[new_file_param])
Additional examples can be found on the Agent Templates page